Monday, March 21, 2011

Bill Gates: How state budgets are breaking US schools | Video on

Bill Gates: How state budgets are breaking US schools | Video on

In this video, Bill Gates provides insight into the connection between state budgets and the US education system. There is an increasingly desperate need for politicians to consider the futures of American students as allocations to education continues to dwindle in the midst of budget balancing at the state level. Enjoy!

Note: TED is a fantastic site to get quick topic updates on some of the most groundbreaking research and issues of today's time.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lawrenceville Testimonial!

Check out our first live video testimonial from one of our east coast students!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


There are so many reasons, but here are just a few:

1. Our ACADEMIC Approach. We take the time to teach you the concepts the SAT is testing.
- How to read for critical information
- The rules of grammar
- The foundation of writing an essay
- Basic math concepts

We don't believe in the tricks & gimmicks the other companies use. They don't work.
2. We only use REAL tests!
- Other companies use their own material. That doesn't make sense to us!!
If the real material exists, why would you use anything else?

The SAT is an academically based test that correlate with what students should have learned in high school. With that in mind, a test prep course should not only improve a student's test score, but should also improve overall performance in school. That is what we promise as a result of taking a PEN SAT course.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

PEN Myths and Facts #1: Easier vs. Harder Test Dates

This is a common SAT urban legend. Tests from month to month ARE NOT easier or harder. ETS runs every test through a very rigorous screening process so as to prevent any inconsistencies in test difficulty. Just think about it, if there were differences in the tests month to month, the SAT would have no validity as a standardized test whatsoever. So, if you are bemoaning the passing of the December test date (which many think is the easiest of the year), don't fret. They are ALL THE SAME! Stay tuned for our next Myth and Fact.


Check out PEN's new homepage!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Dear Students,

Do you realize that you have been preparing for college entrance exams and college from the day you entered kindergarten? You have already done most of the work! The next few years will not seem so daunting if you pause to think about how much you have already accomplished!

Over the course of the next year or so, you will notice that many conversations start to focus on college. To some, the topic will seem trivial. To many, the college admissions process will become an obsession. The best advice we can give you is to remember that you are in control of your sanity! If you want to attend college - you will. Can you think of anyone who did not get into a school somewhere?

If you are realistic about your strengths and weaknesses, knowledgeable about the dilemma that colleges face with far too many applicants, and willing to explore the number of options that are available to you, the upcoming years will be a wonderful time of dreams and self discovery.

Here are some things to keep in mind when you start to think about how you will fit into the college admission's picture:

  • Keep everything in perspective: the SAT or ACT becomes the "make-it or break-it" piece of your college application ONLY if you have nothing else to offer.
  • The most important part of your college application is still your GPA.
  • Stay active in school activities - have an impact.
  • Foster great relationships with teachers so that your recommendations will have the personal flair.
  • Take courses that challenge you to work harder.
  • Step out of your own world - commit to community service.

And remember...